Monday, March 21, 2011

Mr. Personality

 Since Harris entered the world he has had a rather large personality. When he had colic it came out somewhat..umm..ill-tempered if you will. I never liked calling him "fussy" though because how could you use such a negative adjective to describe something so sweet? Right...? I always preferred the term "spirited". Much more upbeat. Passionate. I always knew my little boy would be full of life because I had prayed for that but about one month in I began praying that he would be full of happiness and contentment and that he would bring joy to those around him. Not that I didn't like him the way he was but... we had a LOT of this going on:

We are now 9 months in and praise God, Harris is so happy and at peace. Don't get me wrong, we can still throw a fit that could bring a grown man to his knees but as Herculean as his fits are, his laughter is even bigger. That enormous personality has turned into big giggles and even bigger smiles. Nothing can brighten my day like that big grin and those eyes. This kid has personality written all over his face! I praise God for a happy and healthy baby!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweetie pie! He & Natalie have got more personality together than most grown-ups. :)


The First Day of School, Butt-Shaped Fruit and The Crazy Train

How's Harris liking it?  I hear this question every single day. I love that people are interested/concerned about Harris and his opinio...